Welcome To The Great Eko-Ende Town


Eko-ende, a secret gem of Nigeria, boasts a vibrant agriculture scene and a plethora of breathtaking sights that draw in curious travelers from all over the world. With its pristine climate and rich cultural heritage, Eko-ende is the perfect destination for those seeking an authentic and immersive experience.

The Elende of Eko-Ende

Welcome to the stunning land of Eko-Ende, where you will experience a blend of tradition and modernity like nowhere else in Nigeria. With vibrant culture, exciting attractions, and warm hospitality, Eko-Ende is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking a truly unforgettable adventure.

The Elende of Eko-Ende is a revered leader, renowned for his wisdom and dedication to his people. His influence extends far and wide, shaping the cultural landscape of the region and providing a valuable resource for generations.

Oba Abdulwaheed Adekunle,FCA, Ayunawa IV

Elende of Eko Ende Land

Explore Eko-Ende in all its beauties

Our little town of Eko-Ende is deeply committed to achieving the minelieum development goals, and we wholeheartedly believe in making positive, sustainable changes to our community and beyond.


We consider education a lasting legacy


We boast of our agrarian heritage


We are always excited to welcome visitors


We prioritize the wellbeing of all


We play as hard as we work


We have a great road network

Helplines & Emergency Services

At Eko-Ende, we prioritize your safety above everything else. We understand the importance of being prepared for emergencies, and we are always here to offer assistance when needed.


Explore Our Lovely Town

Eko-Elende is an absolute gem to witness and the mere thought of it pales in comparison to actually experiencing its grandeur firsthand.

Our Royal Father

Oba Abdulwaheed, an innovative leader, fosters progress for his people.

Fish Industry

Our fish industry employs several households and provides for and income for our dear town

Agriculture & Food

Eko-Ende is an agrarian society that prides herself in food sufficiency

Otin River

Water bodies are integral to society and tourism, offering tranquility and thrilling activities.

Popular Place and Events

Eko-Ende has been prominently featured in numerous news articles and broadcasts on multiple occasions.


July 2021

The Otin River


Aug 2021

Otin Eko Festival


Sept 2021


Oba Olaniyan's Remark

Explore Eko-Ende Highlights

Our vast water bodies, ranging from the mighty rivers to the serene lakes, our fertile farm lands that produce an abundance of crops, and our splendid rich cultural heritage that dates back through generations, are all of immense tourist interest.

Meet Leadership in Eko-Ende

Eko-Ende is directed by a highly driven and forward-thinking leadership team at the grassroots, state and national levels, whose vision and unwavering commitment to excellence continue to propel the town, state and country to even greater heights.

Bola Tinubu

President of Nigeria

Ademola Adeleke

Governor of Osun state

Abdulwaheed Adekunle

Elende of Eko-Ende

Traditions in Eko-Ende

In Eko-Ende, we hold steadfast to our roots and cherish our cultural heritage. We take pride in our traditions and strive to uphold them.